Thursday, February 11, 2010

Penang's Fisherman Wharf

THE ANNUAL BUILD-UP IS ALREADY HAPPENING ... cars with outstation number plates are starting to appear in Penang traffic, as the Chinese community (and everyone else in Malaysia, it seems like) congregate on the island. Many are holidaymakers just eager to get out of KL and the Klang Valley who come for some R&R - sun, sea and good food; others are old Penangites making their usual start-of-year pilgrimage back to their roots.

That being the case, it was with great trepidation that we made our way to dinner at the Penang Fisherman Wharf, in the Industrial Free Trade Zone, last night but our fears were unfounded: we sailed right through, and were there in under 30 mins - the traffic was as light as can be (in fact it was heavier going home!). We'd been invited to an early Chinese New Year dinner, and there were two tables on their large patio, right next to the sea.

The pork-free food was quite tasty, typically Cantonese-style dishes starting with Four Seasons (the host complained about the lack of lobster in the au gratin but the cheese sauce was pretty good actually). Everyone seems to be doing the prawns wrapped in greek bee hoon-like pastry (kataiffi) now; it's becoming quite a trend but they've got to be careful not to overcook the prawns as they were a bit hard. Prawns are much nicer crunchy with a bite to it.

The last course was Fried Udon noodles which wasn't bad although everyone had had too much to eat by then and as they didn't look that appetising I think quite a lot of it was wasted. Shame.

It's quite a nice place to go but rather far, and here's a tip: check with the host where the table will be before you dress cos despite the electric fans it was BOILING (this is, after all, February), and there were many red faces there and not just from the wine. Some of the guests had come prepared for air conditioning and they were sweltering.

I'm going a bit manic now cos my family arrives from KL tomorrow and I've done practically NOTHING to prepare - no decorations, no rooms ready etc. DID however do most of the grocery shopping but tomorrow I have to brave the crowds and get some fresh vegetables in. Oh crumbs, I don't look forward to it - will be like Christmas Eve in the UK where it's a free-for-all - run over anyone with your trolley if they happen to be in your way!!

Ho Hum, Kiong Hee Huat Chai everyone!

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