Monday, August 9, 2010


OOPS ... so sorry for the long silence. Things have been, as usual, busy, but I've also been rather lazy and just not in the mood to blog. On top of that I write for so many publications that if I blog on all the places I go then it will be old hat by the time it comes out in the papers.

So things are going rather well. I've finally hung up my hat with The Expat magazine, after 4 1/2 years as their Northern Region Representative. It was getting a bit same old, same old, and I felt it was time to move on to something new. And so something HAS turned up - Expatriate Lifestyle, their rival publication, has approached me asking if I'm interested in writing for them. And I will seriously consider it, because their magazine is quite upmarket.

Of course I am still doing my fortnightly column for The Star's Sunday Metro, and I've started writing regularly for online newspaper The Malaysian Insider ( which will all keep me quite busy, esp the latter because they have given me a bit of leeway to write about any outlet I like so if you have something interesting, anywhere at all, not just Penang, please let me know.

With No.2 Son back it's been quite nice too having him for company during the day. His stint in Perth and Darwin have done him good; he's learnt self sufficiency and independence, although he will soon be leaving for his first year at uni. Ahhhhh, I hear you say. Yes, it'll be quite sad with just the two old fogeys back home alone again. Luckily Mummy is quite independent too (he must get it some SOMEWHERE) and I can keep myself quite busy, thank you very much.

Apart from that I've been busy judging, eating and writing. And not necessarily in that order. Many new places are continuing to open up, and more will be doing so especially when the E&O development opens up which I'm told will be some time late autumn. Penang is definitely going places, with national players coming in. The downside will be it will be even more difficult to get staff.

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