Friday, June 12, 2009


One reason why many Americans are, to put it delicately, on the wrong side of the scales, is their food. Fast food, to be more precise. Most of it is processed to death, definitely not additive free, and then deep fried for good measure. Me, I'd sooner use up my quota of non-healthy food for the day with a bowl of steamy, spicy, lardy Hokkien Mee than queue up at the local hamburger joint. At least it hits the right spot in my stomach for the day.
HOWEVER there is one US import I do find irresistible: the DOUGHNUT. And although the Krispy Kremes and Dunkin' Donuts here are nowhere as good as what you get in America, it goes some way towards it. The texture of the dough there is completely different: it's definitely more gooey and a bit stodgy almost, and you won't be able to eat two in a rush I'll bet, cos it will fill your mouth like glue. But it's delicious though, especially with a cup of hot coffee.
So I was a bit sceptical when I saw the queues building up for Gurney Plaza's Big Apple Donuts, especially when they first opened in the basement. Being a typically Penang reaction, ie whenever something/somewhere new opens one HAS to be the first to try it, the queues stretched way way back. And as I hate queues, I have kept well clear of this establishment.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, the queues have now died down, as the IM has subsided (a term I coined for the usual opening rush - Initial Mania), and so when I walked past the other day I decided to slip in and grab a box. Of course one, being a canny honorary KS Penangite, has to take advantage of the "buy more get more off" offer, so I bought a box of 12. Here's a tip: go for the filled ones. They are even better value!
To my surprise, they were really rather good! Again, they are not like the ones you get in US. These are much lighter, but the fillings and toppings are quite generous. I'm both delighted and annoyed that they are so tasty, to be honest! And if you leave them in the fridge overnight, just put one on a plate and bung it in the microwave for 10 seconds. Comes out perfect.
Another tip: a friend told me that they can be frozen, so it's obviously more economical to buy bulk and take one out whenever you fancy one ... or three. However I wish she HADN'T told me now. No excuse to finish them all asap ...

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