Saturday, November 21, 2009


THIS MAY SOUND LIKE YET ANOTHER OFFICIAL GET-TOGETHER TO BRAINSTORM about what to do with those feathered creatures which flitter tither and hither in our skies ... at least, that's what I thought when I first received an email about it ... but it's not.

It's actually a new "contemporary opera" based on a 12th century Persian poem written by Farid ud-Din Attar, describing a flock of birds' search for a leader, using sound and movement to tell the story.

Last night was the first of 3 performances at the Wawasan Open University stage by Five Arts Centre with score composed by Johan Othman from Universiti Sains Malaysia and directed by Chee Sek Thim, and the lyrics written by Brit William Radice from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London. We had been invited by British Council who were supporting the performances.

Personally, I thought it was a bit high-brow for me, but then perhaps it's because I am a philistine. However I found it quite incomprehensible, not least because the words were indiscernible although the vocals were quite powerful. I also found the enharmonic music rather disturbing and not at all to my liking. Five Arts Centre, based in KL, certainly mean it when they describe themselves as a collective of artists and producers dedicated to "alternative" art form! However, kudos to them for taking the brave step of staging the production. One has, after all, to experience different types of shows to ascertain which one likes best. I had no doubts about this!

However what was rather a lot nicer was the reception they hosted after the show. It was good to see a lot of people, all there in the name of art. Nothing, of course, at all to do with the free booze and food.

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