Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sarkies Corner

BEING A FOOD WRITER REALLY IS AN AMAZING JOB - in fact, one would hardly describe it as a job - witness the number of food bloggers there are who do it for nothing more than to be able to express their feelings about certain places online - it's more a passion and an interest.

However sometimes it can be quite tiring, eating out all the time (can't remember the last time I went marketing, let alone touched my wok!) and of course one's got to be aware of one's cholesterol level; sometimes it's a bit depressing, when you see the standard of food being served at certain places. And that's just the professional side of things. Sometimes though it's nice when one is invited just for the pleasure of one's company ... and a case in point was last night, when friends (yes, I do have some) invited us to the E&O for one of their splendiferous free-flow buffets. Of course I still had to take some photos for my blog!

As usual, the place was packed, full of locals and expats all tucking into the food and wine, although personally I find the huge dining room too echoey which increases the noise level significantly, and because it's all enclosed air conditioning the smells tend to linger so one always ends up having to have a shower at the end of the evening. But if you sit outside it's even worse - especially now, as it's absolutely boiling as there aren't enough fans.

I'm always on at them to open up all the windows and doors and have the fans going at full blast which will make it so much more comfortable and less noisy, but then who am I that they should listen to!

Didn't catch sight of old friend Executive Chef Bob but Chef Ah Fat was there, friendly and smiling as always, although I did notice he was more quiet than usual. "Tired," he said. Hope you feel better soon mate.

I will say this for them - they do lay on a truly magnificent spread. The starters, salads, main courses and desserts - just overwhelm, there's so much to choose from. Of course their sashimi and prawns are always popular, as you can see from the empty platter, and the lamb was but a
carcass before the evening was out.

Having said that the wine is really not up to much: I started with the white and rapidly changed my mind after a sip, deciding to go for a red instead. That was just as disappointing, so mein host kindly opened the bottle of white that I'd brought for them - which wasn't the point at all as it was meant to be their gift to thank them for inviting us. However, it did make the rest of the evening slightly more pleasant for everyone probably as I wasn't cringing with every mouthful I took.

What do you expect for freeflow, as you may well ask. To be frank, I'd sooner a glass or two of a more palatable vino than as much as you want plonk like that.

Their desserts as always are quite a treat, although the two Chocolate Bombs above reminded me of something ... hmmm ...

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