Saturday, May 9, 2009


Karaoke'ing is a very popular pasttime in the East, where people will happily pick up the mike and croon along to their favourite oldie without hesitation or restraint, even amongst total strangers. In fact I think that's sometimes the problem to be honest - it's OK when someone has a musical ear or a good voice, and can hold their tune. But when they can't, it's quite an assault on your ear drums!

Take last night for example. We had a good meal at our local club with a group of close friends, then all set off for the Karaoke Room to sing out to our hearts' content. It was fun, but some of the party (who will remain nameless) just couldn't enter at the right key and that's one thing about karaoke - once you do that, you are forever at odds with the background music!

It was so funny that I spent half the time in tears cos I was laughing so hard yet trying to be discreet about it. My stomach hurts today! And btw it wasn't just them who were out of tune - I was too!!

God knows what the people in the neighbouring rooms thought of our group. Often they are seeerioouus singers who fancy themselves to be Frank Sinatra or Agnetha, and heaven help you if you criticise or interrupt their singing! Lighten up!!!

Which brings to mind someone near my mother's place who used to sing along in his front room with all the windows wide open, sharing his tuneless hits with all and sundry. Until one night from the opposite house a long-suffering neighbour, who'd probably had enough, shouted out at the top of his voice, "SHUUUUT UUUUUP!" There was a stunned, hurt silence ... and he hasn't done it since!!

So fellow karaoke singers - a bit of consideration for others please!

Still, that's all part of the fun eh!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha..that was funny! I'm talking about your mom's neighbour. :)